Mayor of the Municipality

Dr. Hekuran Duka was born on February 21, 1963 in Debar, Republic of North Macedonia. He is the son of Eqerem and Zemrije Mjeshtri – Duka, parents who with a lot of dedication and
perseverance contributed to the education of the new generations and their children.
He completed primary and secondary education in his hometown. In the school year of 1983/84 he enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine within the University of Prishtina. From 1989 to 1990 he stopped the studies at this University because of its closure, as a consequence of the social and political situation in the Republic of Kosovo at the time.
He continued his studies at the Faculty of Medicine within the University Ss. Cyril and
Methodius in Skopje and in 1992 he successfully completed the studies and acquired the title
Doctor of Medicine.
In 1994 he was employed in the Medical Center – Debar, where until 2001 he was working as a
general practitioner in all Debar villages, as well as in the city of Debar itself. In 2001 he started
his specialist studies in the field of surgery, Department of Urology at the Faculty of Medicine in
Skopje. In 2005 he acquired the title “Specialist Surgeon – Urologist”.
Dr. Hekuran Duka has been certified by many medical forums and seminars of national and
international character. The Association of Albanian Doctors in the Republic of North
Macedonia awarded him an acknowledgment for his special contribution in the healthcare of the
population in the region of the Municipality of Debar and beyond.
In December 2017, at the local elections for a Mayor and a Municipal Council, he was elected
Councilor in the Municipal Council of the City of Debar.
With a decision of the Municipal Council, on 31.01.2019 he was elected Acting Mayor of the
Municipality of Debar.
In the early elections for a Mayor of the Municipality, which were held on 21.04.2019, he gained
a majority of votes and was elected Mayor of the Municipality of Debar.
Dr. Hekuran is the husband of Vjollca, an obstetrician. He is the father of the daughter Mirela,
who is an English professor, and the sons Eqerem, a law graduate, and Fatlum, a law student.



Meetings with Citizens

The Mayor of Debar, Dr. Hekuran Duka has meetings with citizens who want to meet him individually.

The meetings are held every Tuesday. In order to make an appointment with the mayor, the citizen should come personally and arrange a meeting with the mayors secretary, the meeting can also be arranged by calling this nr.046/ 831 196 or sending an email at

Dr. Hekuran Duka

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