
List of Advisors

List of the Council Advisors of the Municipality of Debar 2017-2021

Democratic Union for Integration

Fuat Spahiu

Bashkim Mashkulli

Albiona Riza

Аrbëresha Turkeshi

Afrim Maqellara

Social Democratic Union of Macedonia   

Azem Fejzovski

Abdija Mersovski

Emina Muslioska

Alliance for Albanians

Ilirijan Fetahu

Eugjen Cami

Mirela Korumi

Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization – Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity 

Afet Avmedoski

Armen Neziri

Movement Besa

Fisnik Mela

Doruntina Cami



Competencies of the Municipality Council

Competencies of the Municipality Council

Municipality Council:

  1. Brings the municipal statute and other dispositions;
  2. Approves the municipal budget and the final budget account;
  3. It determines the amount of income for the financing of the municipality, within limits prescribed by law;
  4. Establishes public affairs, and supervises their work;
  5. Appoints members in the boards of directors of public services that  it establishes;
  6. Prepares work programs and financial plans for financing the public affairs sector established by the municipality;
  7. Approves Reports on the implementation of the Municipality Budget and the Municipality’s annual account ;
  8. Decides in giving permission for conducting public interest activities of local importance;
  9. Approves the work reports and final accounts of public services that it has established;
  10. Decides for the municipal property;
  11. Decides for the financial control over the municipal budget, in accordance with the law;
  12. Elects the person who leads the regional unit of the Ministry of Interior Affairs in the municipality, in accordance with the law;
  13. Reviews and approves the annual report on public safety in the municipal territory, which is then handed to the Ministry of Interior Affairs and to the Ombudsman;
  14. Performs other duties.

(2) If the Council does not approve the reports referred to in paragraphs 1, 7 and 9 of this Clause, it may establish a control procedure on the material and financial work before the competent supervisory body.

(3) The leader of paragraph 1 point 12 of this clause is elected if the majority of all council members vote for him, including the regional unit of the Ministry of Interior.



Committees of the Municipalty Council

Commissions of the Municipality Council:

  • Discuss issues in the area for which they are formed,
  • They give opinions and suggestions to the Council,
  • They review the proposals of the Mayor, members of the Council and citizens’ initiatives in the sphere for which they are formed.

List of Commissions:

  • Commission for mandatory issues, elections and nominations;
  • Commission for statute and provisions;
  • Committee for finance, budget and local economic development;
  • Commission for urbanism, municipal activities and environmental and nature protection;
  • Commission for social activities;
  • Commission for realtion with communities;
  • Commission for equal gender opportunities;
  • Commission for the preparation of the work program of the Municipal Council;
  • Municipal Commission for road traffic safety;
  • Commission for public lighting;
  • Commission for evaluation and determination of the amount of damages from natural and other disasters in the territory of the Municipality of Debar.
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